关于「 smile」的内容列表

Conflux partners with Smile Shop to launch BitUnion prepaid cards

Conflux has partnered with Asia's top e-commerce platform Smile Shop to launch the BitUnion prepaid card, which now allows global digital asset payments in 183 countries and territories. The BitUnion Prepaid Card uses UnionPay International's USD prepaid card framework and is the first encrypted UnionPay card. Users can top up, shop online, shop in-store and withdraw cash globally.

2024-12-03 13:09:51
Conflux与Smile Shop合作推出BitUnion预付卡

Conflux 与亚洲顶级电子商务平台 Smile Shop 合作推出 BitUnion 预付卡,现在可以在 183 个国家和地区进行全球数字资产支付。 BitUnion 预付卡采用银联国际的美元预付卡框架,是首张加密银联卡。用户可以在全球范围内充值、在线购物、店内购物和提取现金。

2024-12-03 13:09:51
bitSmiley has opened airdrop applications

Bitcoin DeFi infrastructure bitSmiley has opened for airdrop applications.

2024-11-06 10:47:17


2024-11-06 10:47:17
Putin: Russia "supports" Harris, calls his smile "infectious"

On September 6th, according to foreign media reports such as TASS News Agency and Russian Satellite Network, on the afternoon of September 5th local time, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the plenary meeting of the 2024 Eastern Economic Forum that in the upcoming US Presidential Election, Russia will follow the recommendation of US President Biden and "support" US Democratic presidential candidate and Vice President Harris. According to reports, when Putin was asked how he now views the ...

2024-09-06 00:32:54
Whales Market Announces Pre-Market Launch of bitSmiley (BIT) and Holograph (HLG)

Whales Market has announced the launch of bitSmiley (BIT) and Holograph (HLG) on its Pre-Market.

2024-05-14 05:16:56
Whales Market宣布Pre-Market上线bitSmiley(BIT)和Holograph(HLG)

Whales Market宣布其Pre-Market上线bitSmiley(BIT)和Holograph(HLG)。

2024-05-14 05:16:56
Particle Network: Users can receive bitSmiley token distribution until May 13

Particle Network, a modular L1 project, has announced the end of the Bitcoin ecosystem DeFi solution bitSmiley's campaign on The People's Launchpad, with more than 600,000 independent participants. Users can claim the distribution of bitSmiley tokens BIT until 20:00 on May 13. To complete the claim, users need to spend BTC on Bitlayer, and all unclaimed distributions will be forfeited. In addition, the bitSmiley team will distribute its tokens by the end of June 2024, and after the distribution ...

2024-05-11 12:20:28
Particle Network:用户可在5月13日前领取bitSmiley代币分配

模块化L1项目Particle Network宣布比特币生态 DeFi 解决方案 bitSmiley 在 The People's Launchpad 上的活动已结束,共有超过 60 万名独立参与者。用户可以在5 月 13 日20 点之前领取bitSmiley 代币BIT的分配。要完成申领,用户需要在 Bitlayer 上花费 BTC,所有未申领的分配将被没收。 此外,bitSmiley 团队将在 2024 年 6 月底之前分发其代币,分发日期确定后,其将宣布官方BIT声明。

2024-05-11 12:20:28
BitSmiley launches the first native stablecoin AMM bitCow in the Bitcoin ecosystem DeFi project

According to official reports, BitSmiley, a Bitcoin ecosystem DeFi project, has launched the native stablecoin AMM bitCow to enrich its usage scenarios for native stablecoin bitUSD. BitCow completely eliminates free losses during the trading process and simplifies the asset management process for users through mechanisms such as dual LP tokens.

2024-03-27 06:58:23
比特币生态DeFi项目bitSmiley推出首个原生稳定币AMM bitCow

据官方消息,比特币生态 DeFi 项目 bitSmiley 推出原生稳定币 AMM bitCow,以丰富其原生稳定币 bitUSD 使用场景。bitCow 通过双 LP token 等机制,彻底消除了交易过程中的无偿损失,并简化了用户的资产管理流程。 根据官方路线图,即将推出的 V1 版本将重点推出支持比特币原生稳定币的交易功能;V2 版本将专注于实现更高级的自动化集中流动性 AMM 方案,以提升比特币原生资产的资...

2024-03-27 06:58:23
bitSmiley与Pyth Network达成合作

OdbitSmiley 在 X 平台宣布与 Pyth Network 达成合作,bitSmiley 利用 Pyth 的预言机来获取 BTC 最新的价格数据,目前已经在测试网中上线。

2024-03-26 02:56:25
比特币生态DeFi项目bitSmiley与Merlin Starter达成合作

Od比特币生态 DeFi 项目 bitSmiley 在 X 平台宣布与 Merlin Starter 达成合作。 据悉,Merlin Starter 是 Merlin Chain 的第一个 Launchpad 平台,致力于推动 Merlin Chain 上原生资产和比特币 Layer2 的发展。

2024-03-21 10:18:06
bitSmiley发起 ”让测试网回归测试网“ 的Beta封测活动

Od根据官方消息,比特币生态 DeFi 项目 bitSmiley 发起其测试网封测活动,测试将于 2024 年 3 月 19 日 6 点(UTC)正式开始。此次封测主题为“让测试网回归测试网”,旨在让测试网回归其真实属性,通过测试网收集用户第一手真实体验反馈。 此次测试网活动,采取定向邀请制,bitSmiley 共邀请了包含行业 OG,KOL 及社区活跃核心成员在内的 150 名封测成员。目前 bitSmiley 已完成 BTC L2 Merlin Testnet、Bob Testnet、Botanix

2024-03-18 13:04:20

Od据 bitSmiley 在 3 月 15 号晚与 Unisat 举办的联合 AMA 上透露,bitSmiley 将参与发起支持 BRC20 铸造和销毁功能的新协议提案。 BRC20 协议拟于 837090 区块高度完成其最新升级,实际升级时间待开发和交付团队确认。升级之后,BRC20 将支持铸造和销毁功能。此次升级将为 BRC20 生态稳定币提供全面的基础设施支持。bitSmiley 将集成其稳定币 bitUSD 至升级之后的 BRC20 以释放更大的比特币资产潜能。同时,Unisat 与 Unis

2024-03-15 14:32:38

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